
TEDS offers its master’s degree coursework primarily through an 8-week format, with 6 start dates throughout the year. This will provide you with greater flexibility, enabling you to fold coursework into your daily life and focus on fewer classes at a time.
Dean Pao
“The world desperately needs the gospel, and a training ground that is boldly evangelical—for teachers, for pastors, for theologians, and for counselors. A place where faithfulness to the gospel of the cross is at the very center of our training, practices, and study. My goal is to ensure that this continues to be the mission of TEDS.”
David W. Pao, PhD

Biblical & Systematic Theology

The Biblical and Systematic Theology Department is designed to provide a thorough grasp of the major doctrines of Christianity and to integrate these, as far as possible, into a harmonious system. The Bible is held as the source of all doctrine and the ultimate criterion for all theological formulation. Attention is given to the organic growth of Christian doctrine in the Old and New Testaments, as well as in the church through the ages since Pentecost. Students are also introduced to biblical perspectives on contemporary theological and ethical issues.

Part-time faculty

  • Graham A. Cole, ThD

    Dean Emeritus, Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Systematic Theology

  • John S. Feinberg, PhD

    Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Systematic Theology

  • Greg Forster, PhD

    Affiliate Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology

  • Todd Saur, PhD

    Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology

Church History & Christian Thought

The Church History Department at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School is a vibrant community of faculty members, master’s students, and doctoral students committed to rigorous historical scholarship in service to Christ and his church. The teaching faculty includes three experienced historians as full-time faculty, as well as a group of talented adjunct professors who offer specialized courses in the history of the theology, institutions, and practice of the Christian church from the period of the early church to the present day.

Part-time faculty

  • Bradley J. Gundlach, PhD

    Affiliate Professor of Church History and the History of Christian Thought

  • Martin I. Klauber, PhD

    Affiliate Professor of Church History

  • Alice T. Ott, PhD

    Affiliate Professor of the History of Mission and World Christianity


The Counseling Department at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School strengthens Christian faith character virtues while establishing a professional counselor identity through stimulating reason, exploring interpersonal strengths, and stirring theological imagination. Our graduates apply faith-anchored wisdom to act justly, ethically, and responsibly in one’s vocational context.

Part-time faculty

  • Kirstyn Besch, MA

    Adjunct Professor of Counseling

  • Elizabeth Cole, MA

    Adjunct Professor of Counseling

  • Oliver Robinson, MA

    Adjunct Professor of Counseling

  • Lydia Schlueter, MA, LCPC

    Adjunct Instructor of Counseling Pastoral / Clinical Specialist

  • Marcia Richards Suelzer, JD

    Adjunct Instructor of Counseling Clinical Specialist

  • Alison Yu, MA

    Adjunct Professor of Counseling

Educational Ministries

Through its Department of Educational Ministries, Trinity seeks to prepare competent and knowledgeable professional leaders for Educational Ministry throughout the evangelical world in obedience to Jesus’ command to “make disciples of all nations”. A biblical philosophy of Educational Ministries requires balance between message and medium. Consequently, Trinity’s Educational Ministries degree programs represent a carefully planned balance between biblical/theological subjects and professional subjects of Educational Ministry.
  • Deborah A. Colwill, PhD

    Chair of the Educational Ministries Department, Professor of Educational and Leadership Studies

  • Donald C. Guthrie, EdD

    Director of the PhD (Educational Studies), Executive Director of CFTC, The Jeanette L. Hsieh Chair of Educational Leadership, Professor of Educational Ministries

  • Mimi L. Larson, PhD

    Executive Director of the Center for Faith and Children, Assistant Professor of Educational Ministries

Part-time faculty

  • Ahyuwani Akanet, PhD

    Managing Director of the Center for Faith and Children, Adjunct Professor of Educational Ministries

  • Matthew Boutilier, PhD

    Adjunct Assistant Professor of Educational Studies

  • William P. Donahue, PhD

    Adjunct Associate Professor of Educational Ministries

  • Elizabeth Bjorling Poest, PhD

    Adjunct Professor of Educational Ministries

Mission & Evangelism

The foundation of the Mission and Evangelism Department is evangelical Christian theology, which provides the basis for the evaluation of the interaction between a given culture and the gospel in such areas as evangelism, church planting, and theologizing. Our department houses courses that deal with contextualization, missiology, philosophy of religion, globalization, cultural exegesis, and witness & evangelism.
  • David M. Gustafson, PhD

    Chair of Evangelism and Missional Ministry & Professor of Evangelism and Missional Ministry

  • Harold A. Netland, PhD

    Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Intercultural Studies

  • Craig Ott, PhD

    Professor of Mission and Intercultural Studies

  • Manuel R. Rauchholz, DPhil

    Director of the PhD (Intercultural Studies), Associate Professor of Anthropology and Intercultural Studies

  • Tite Tiénou, PhD

    The Tite Tiénou Chair of Global Theology and World Christianity, Research Professor of Theology of Mission, Dean Emeritus

Part-time faculty

  • Sam George, PhD

    Adjunct Professor of Global Migration, Diaspora Missiology, and World Christianity

  • Mihamm Kim-Rauchholz, DrTheol (University of Tübingen)

    Adjunct Professor of Mission in the New Testament

  • Peter T. Lee, PhD

    Associate Director, DMin Korea | Associate Director, the Paul G. Hiebert Center for World Christianity and Global Theology | Affiliate Professor of Intercultural Studies

  • Alice T. Ott, PhD

    Affiliate Professor of the History of Mission and World Christianity

New Testament Studies

The New Testament Department exists to provide students with a solid foundation for understanding the New Testament in its original context. Students are encouraged to explore broadly through survey courses as well as deeply through the study of individual books or specific issues in New Testament studies. Emphasis is given to understanding the New Testament in its historical and cultural contexts, acquiring a general competency in reading Hellenistic Greek texts, exploring theological developments within the New Testament, and developing the ability to evaluate critically the contributions of modern interpreters. Through these tools, students are given the means to bridge the gap from the original meaning to contemporary significance in their lives and ministries.

Part-time faculty

  • Patrick Jones, ThM

    Director of Supervised Ministries, Adjunct Professor of New Testament

  • Steven Smith, PhD

    Adjunct Professor of New Testament

Old Testament & Semitic Languages

The Old Testament Department acquaints students with the content and teaching of the Old Testament Scriptures and introduces them to the tools they need for a lifetime of effective independent study of these Scriptures. Attention is given to problems of Old Testament history and criticism; the value of the Old Testament for preaching and for understanding the New Testament is stressed. Students are also introduced to the historical and cultural backgrounds of biblical literature, provided an understanding of ancient Near Eastern cultures, and shown support for the biblical record of the history of the Jewish nation in its interrelationship with the peoples of the ancient world.

Part-time faculty

  • Richard Averbeck, PhD

    Emeritus Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages

  • K. Lawson Younger, PhD

    Emeritus Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages

Pastoral Theology

The Pastoral Theology Department exists to serve students by developing a community where together we can work out God’s calling on our lives by integrating life and doctrine in pursuit of godliness that commends the gospel, equipping for the ministries of preaching, shepherding, and overseeing, and embracing a proper biblical and theological orientation to the church and world.

Part-time faculty

  • Timothy Allen, MDiv

    Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Theology

  • Jon Dennis, DMin

    Adjunct Professor of Homiletics

  • Watson Jones, III, PhD

    Adjunct Professor of Homiletics

  • H. Wayne Johnson, PhD

    Provost Emeritus Associate Professor of Biblical and Pastoral Theology

  • Steven Mathewson, DMin

    Adjunct Professor of Homiletics

  • Eric Rivera, PhD

    Affiliate Professor of Pastoral Theology

  • Greg Strand, PhD

    Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Theology

  • Romell Williams, MA

    Adjunct Professor of Homiletics


The Bioethics faculty are focused on helping students develop the ethical tools they need to address pressing contemporary issues of medicine, healthcare, technology, and theology.

Part-time faculty

  • Paige Cunningham, JD, PhD

    Fellow, The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity

  • Donna J. Harrison, MD

    Adjunct Professor of Bioethics

  • Nancy Jones, PhD

    Adjunct Professor of Bioethics

  • Cheyn D. Onarecker, MD

    Adjunct Professor of Clinical Ethics

  • D. Christopher Ralston, PhD

    Adjunct Professor of Bioethics

  • D. Joy Riley, MD

    Adjunct Professor of Bioethics

  • Joyce A. Shelton, PhD

    Professor of Biology

  • Mailee Smith, JD

    Adjunct Professor of Bioethics

  • Christian Vercler, PhD

    Adjunct Professor of Bioethics

Request Information

Combining unrivaled academic rigor with a wholehearted commitment to gospel fidelity and an abundance of flexible options, TEDS offers a theological education that equips you to serve Christ with wisdom and grace, in truth and love.