Peter T. Cha


Professor of Church, Culture and Society

교회, 문화와 사회 교수 (1997년-현재)

Prior to joining the Trinity faculty, Dr. Cha was involved in a number of different ministries, including youth and young adult ministry in Korean American churches, campus ministry with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, church planting and pastoring a multiethnic Asian American congregation. He has also served as a board member of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship USA, a member of the Committee on Race and Ethnicity (CORE) of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) and currently serves as a board member of the Louisville Institute.

과목: 건강한 교회 공동체 문화의 개발

트리니티에서 1997년도부터 교수사역을 시작한 피터 차 박사는 다양한 사역을 해 왔습니다. 한인이민교회에서 청소년, 청년 사역을 이끌었고, 수년동안 IVF 캠퍼스 전임간사로 중서부의 여러 대학들을 섬겼습니다. 새로운 교회 개척에 참여한 바 있고, 다문화 교회를 목회 했습니다. 미국 IVF의 이사, 북미신학협회 (ATS)의 인종 및 종족 위원회의 위원, Louiville Institute의 이사로도 섬겼습니다.



Affiliations & Achievements

소속 및 업적


선택된 간행물

“Towards A Gospel-Centered Intercultural Approach.” In Christian Higher Education: Faith, Teaching, and Learning in the Evangelical Tradition, ed. David Dockery. Wheaton: Crossway Publishing, 2018.

“Racial/Ethnic Diversity and Student Formation.” In Teaching for a Culturally Diverse and Racially Just World, ed. Eleazar Fernandez. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2014.

“Forming Graceful Pastors.” In Honoring the Generations: Learning with Asian American Congregations, eds. Sydney Park, Soong Chan Rah and Al Tizon. Elgin, IL: Judson Press, 2012.

“Constructing New Intergenerational Ties.” In This Side of Heaven: Race, Ethnicity, and Christian Faith. Eds. Robert Priest and Alvaro Nieves. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.

Growing Healthy Asian American Churches. Co-edited with Steve Kang and Helen Lee. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2006.