Ministry Placement
The Placement Office exists to facilitate connections between ministries offering vocational ministry opportunities and TEDS Graduates seeking ministry placement whether they be recent graduates or alumni.
Ministry Placement
Are you seeking ministry staff for your church or para-church ministry? Are you beginning a pastoral search process seeking to fill an open position for a senior/solo pastor, associate pastor, youth pastor, worship pastor, etc.?
The Placement Office exists to facilitate connections between ministries offering vocational ministry opportunities and TIU graduates (both Trinity College and TEDS) seeking ministry placement whether they be recent graduates or alumni. We work with churches and ministries from a variety of denominations (and independent churches) in filling both full-time and bi-vocational positions.
We are also looking for Partner Churches as well as those churches willing to mentor a student occasionally. Partner Churches have an intentional, ongoing, and remunerated internship program in place with structured mentoring for the intern.
Full-Time, Bi-Vocational or Part-Time Positions
The Office of Vocation and Career at Trinity connects you with qualified students seeking field experience as part of their academic programs, as well as recent graduates and alumni who are actively seeking placement. We work with churches and ministries from a variety of denominations in filling both full- and part-time positions, as well as arranging field experience opportunities for our students.
The Office of Supervised Ministries (OSM) exists to help students expand their ministry experience under the nurturing oversight of wise and experienced mentors like you and your church leadership. Our MDiv students are required to do a 600-hour Internship or post-seminary residency spread over two or three semesters, while most of our MA programs require two 50-hour Field Education units usually completed over two semesters.
Search for a position
Current students or graduates of TIU seeking ministry placement may do so in through our job postings page.