New Student Orientation

Welcome to TEDS!

We know that there are a lot of things you still need to get done before you start your first day of classes, and we can help with that!
New Student Orientation takes place in two phases:
  1. All new students will receive important orientation information through our Canvas course, including orientation to theological education, instructions to register for courses, understanding your program, library resources, and more. You will receive an invitation to the course upon confirmation of your enrollment.
  2. Monday, January 6, 2025 – For all Deerfield campus-based incoming students, this half-day together completes your orientation with an in-person gathering. You’ll meet your fellow new students, worship together as a community, learn about some important campus resources that are available to you, and enjoy lunch with some of your professors. We know it will be an invaluable time for you to familiarize yourself with all things TEDS.
We hope that your participation in both the NSO course and in-person activities will get you started well on your journey at TEDS.

NSO Dates

Friday, January 3

Proficiency Exams


Proficiency Exams (on Canvas only). Find out more information and register on myTIU. (You must be logged into myTIU for the link to work.)

Saturday, January 4

Residence Hall Move-In Day

(Check in at Owens 800 Lower Level)


5:00 pm

Dinner for all new residents of Owens and the Apartments (and their families) and mandatory Residence Life meeting (Rodine Building, Lobby and Hinkson Hall)

Monday, January 6

New Student Orientation


New Student Orientation (Check in at Waybright Center)

Tuesday, January 7

Quad A begins

First day of Master’s level classes

Wednesday, January 8

First Chapel


First TEDS Chapel (ATO Chapel)

Steps before arriving on Campus

  1. Activate your student account (check your inbox for an email from IT)
  2. Register for classes through myTIU: Go to myTIU
  3. Pay your bill: Please be sure to have your payment arrangements finalized before the first day of classes. Check out the Student Accounting Information instructions to learn more.
  4. Request your Student ID
  5. Register your Vehicle
  6. Create your Student Immunization Verification through Med+Proctor using your Trinity email: Go to Med+Proctor
    • Two (2) doses of MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella). Wait 28 days before receiving the 2nd dose.
    • Three (3) doses of tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis (TDap). Six months are required between the 2nd and 3rd dose. The most recent dose must be within 10 years.
    • A TB (tuberculosis) skin or blood test is required within one year prior to entry to Trinity.
TEDS Shirt Burgundy

Get your TEDS Shirt

Show off your support for TEDS with our official TEDS Emblem Shirt! Be part of the spirited community while also contributing to school initiatives with your purchase.

Planning your program

You can find an explanation of program requirements and courses in the current Academic Catalog (TEDS Catalog). We recommend logging into myTIU > Academic Resources > Student Handbooks where you’ll find advising resources including the TEDS Handbook. If you have questions, contact your program director or the TEDS Academic Office at 847.317.8085.
Choosing courses for the semester happens on myTIU as well. Head to myTIU > Academic Resources > Course Schedules and Syllabi and find out what is being offered this semester in your program. Tip: Looking at a course syllabus will be helpful in purchasing your books and materials ahead of time.
What about additional program requirements? In addition to classes, there are other program requirements such as Field Education, Internships, and Practica. Information about Field Ed is located in myTIU > Academic Resources > Supervised Ministries. If you have any questions, contact the Supervised Ministries office at [email protected], or call 847.317.8030.

About Course Registration

Register Early – We strongly encourage you to register early. MyTIU is your gateway for information regarding billing information, grades, schedules, degree audits, and much more. Please refer to the academic calendar for all add/drop deadlines.
When can I register? – New and re-admit students who have paid their reservation deposit with Admissions can register for classes.
How do I register? – Login to myTIU and choose “Plan and Register” at the top of the screen. If you have questions, contact Academic Records at [email protected] or at 847.317.8050.
For semester and quad courses, there is a $15 fee for each registration change made after the first week of the course. For modular courses, there is a $15 fee for each registration change made after the first day of the course.
In order to drop a modular course with a full refund and without a record on your transcript it must be dropped by the first day of the course.

Apply for housing

Students have the opportunity to apply to live on campus in a variety of different accommodations. Please visit our on-campus housing page for more information regarding our facilities, eligibility requirements, and application process. If you are ready to apply now, please go to myTIU where you’ll find the Housing System link on the left side of the page under Quick Links. Fill out the appropriate form and the Housing Office will contact you shortly.

Campus Services

A complete listing of available campus services can be found on myTIU, but here are a few highlights:
  • Academics Deans’ Office: To get information about and register for placement exams, file an Academic Appeal or make an appointment to see the Academic Dean email [email protected]
  • Campus Safety: Parking permits, recover keys locked in a car, recover things left in locked rooms, etc. Email Campus safety office at [email protected]
  • Information Technology: For computer and Internet support, or to obtain your network account information, etc. please contact IT at [email protected]
  • Housing/Facility Services: On-campus housing, keys, or maintenance requests. Email: [email protected]
  • Academic Records: Registration, Academic forms, Transcripts, etc. Email: [email protected]
  • Financial Aid: Finding scholarships, grants, loans, etc. Email: [email protected]
  • Student Accounting: Billing information, pay semester charges, etc. [email protected]
  • Student Life: Have flyers approved, Academic Withdrawal/Leave of Absence, course extensions, disability/academic accommodations, international student concerns, residence life, and much more. Email: [email protected]