Advanced Placement: MDIV

AP: Master of Divinity

If you’re graduating with a ministry degree from an accredited Bible college or Christian liberal arts school, you may qualify for our Advanced Placement MDiv (AP MDiv). This program reduces the overall number of hours you’ll need to graduate with an MDiv while also allowing you to take additional advanced electives in areas that you’re passionate about.
Our new MDiv curriculum brings a sharper focus to the degree with less credit hours required. The Trinity MDiv has always provided training in Scripture interpretation, theology, pastoral practices, leadership, preaching, and spiritual formation. Our revised curriculum will also develop skills in cultural exegesis and provide a deepened Christian worldview that will equip you to engage with diverse cultures for the gospel’s sake.
MDiv alumni have gone on to a wide variety of vocational pursuits, including pastors, denominational leaders, scholars, authors, community development leaders, and missionary workers in many different contexts locally, nationally, and globally. The MDiv is the prerequisite degree for Doctor of Ministry (DMin) programs and is the recommended graduate degree for those intending to pursue advanced theological study (usually at the ThM or PhD levels).
“I believe Trinity prepared me to better define the parameters of orthodoxy and to engage in healthier dialogue with those who believe differently than myself. This has meant that as I do ministry in Chicago, I have been able to stand in truth while working across denominational lines. I also believe that my Trinity education has made me a better student of God’s word and a better pastor of the souls entrusted to my care.”
Eric Targe ’16


Trinity has been entrusted with the Gospel since 1897, and every day we are called to live with purpose. Our purpose as a divinity school is to know the Gospel, live the Gospel and make the Gospel known. In today’s ever-changing culture, Trinity immerses students in a community of biblical orthodoxy and practical living. The Trinity faculty is among the most widely published in evangelical academia and has deeply influenced the leaders shaping the present and future of evangelical Christianity across the globe.

Degree Tracks

The MDiv degree offers two tracks. Each track has a unique 3-hour requirement and 15 additional elective hours. Students seeking intensive specialization are encouraged to complete another MA in their area of interest. Up to half of the credits for an MA can be fulfilled from MDiv coursework.

Study with the Authors

Experience a classroom setting like none other. At Trinity, you will study under leading theologians, experts, and renowned authors in their specific field. Our professors will not only teach you but invest in your life.
“The world needs right-minded and right-hearted pastor-theologians and I can’t imagine doing anything more important than training students to teach doctrine in ways that make disciples, form citizens of the gospel, and build up local churches. Nor is there anywhere better to do it than TEDS—a veritable microcosm of global evangelicalism.”

Logos Package

MDiv students get the amazing Logos software at a significantly reduced price. Focus on your calling while engaging with some of the greatest authors and bible study tools at your fingertips. It is an instrumental tool while studying here TEDS and a tremendous resource after graduation.


In addition to the requirements for general admission, you’ll need to submit the Supplemental Application and meet the following requirements:
  • Have completed a bachelor’s degree in a field related to Christian ministry, pre-seminary studies, biblical studies, or theological studies within the past five years.
  • Have done a good amount of coursework (with a grade of “B” or better and a GPA of 3.25 or higher) in church history, biblical and theological studies, mission and evangelism studies, and ministry and preaching courses, as well as cultural engagement and supervised ministry experiences.
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Commencement


  • Scripture & Interpretation: 35 hours
  • Theology & Tradition: 6 hours
  • Worldview & Culture: 2 hours
  • Ministries & Practice: 11 hours
Track Options
  • Church & Parachurch Ministry: 3 hours
  • Academic Ministry: 3 hours

Request Information

Combining unrivaled academic rigor with a wholehearted commitment to gospel fidelity and an abundance of flexible options, TEDS offers a theological education that equips you to serve Christ with wisdom and grace, in truth and love.

AP:Master of Divinity Faculty

Biblical & Systematic Theology

Kimberley Kroll ProfileHarold A. Netland ProfileFellipe do Vale ProfileKevin J. Vanhoozer Profile

Church History & Christian Thought

Scott M. Manetsch ProfileJohn D. Woodbridge Profile

New Testament Studies

David Bryan ProfileSteven M. Bryan ProfileDana M. Harris ProfileJoshua Jipp ProfileTe-Li Lau Profile

Mission & Evangelism

David M. Gustafson ProfileHarold A. Netland Profile

Old Testament & Semitic Languages

Michelle E. Knight ProfileDennis R. Magary ProfileJohn M. Monson ProfileEric J. Tully Profile

Pastoral Theology

John A. Carter ProfilePeter T. Cha ProfileJonathan Kim ProfileEric Rivera Profile