TEDS Formation Gatherings Prepare Students to Flourish in Ministry
Nov 13, 2024
횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교 총장, FWIA (Faith and Work Institute Asia) 대표
Courses: Pastoral and Biblical Work and Spiritual Theology
Dr. Yoonhee Kim is currently the president of Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology, and serves as the representative of the Faith and Work Institute Asia, the vice-president of the Korean Evangelical Society of the Old Testament, and the Asia Evangelical Alliance (ASEA) women’s chair. Previously, she served as professor of Old Testament and dean of students at East Asian Theological Seminary (EAST) in Singapore, vice president of the Korean Society of Old Testament and Research Ethics Committee, and WOGA (Women of Global Action) Korea vice chair.
과목: 목회와 성경적 시각으로 보는 일과 영성 신학
김윤희 박사는 현재 횃불트리니티 신학대학원대학교의 총장으로, Faith and Work Institute Asia 대표, 한국복음주의 구약학회 부회장, 아시아복음주의연맹 (ASEA) 여성위원장으로도 섬기고 있습니다. 이전 싱가폴 동아시아신학교 (EAST) 구약학 교수 및 학생처장, 한국구약학회 부회장 및 연구윤리위원장, WOGA (Women of Global Action) Korea 부위원장 등을 역임한 바 있습니다.
BA, 이화여자대학교
MA, MDiv, Western Seminary
PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School