Nurturing Christ-like Relationships: Tim Padgett’s Story
Aug 8, 2024
Representative of Korea University Student Mission (CCC)
한국대학생선교회 (CCC) 대표
Subject: The Book of Revelation-The Complete Completion of God’s Creation and Its Meaning for Christians in the 21st Century
Dr. Sung Min Park has been serving as the representative of the Korean College Student Mission (CCC) since 2003. He served as Dean of East Asian Graduate School of Theology (EAST), Head of Planning and Coordination Office of CCC Korea, Seoul District Representative of CCC Korea, General Secretary of Korea CCC, and Co-Representative of Academy Evangelization Council.
과목: 요한계시록-하나님의 창조의 온전한 완성과 21세기 크리스천들을 향한 의미
박성민 박사는 2003년부터 지금까지 한국대학생선교회 (CCC) 대표로 섬기고 있습니다. 동아시아신학대학원 (EAST) 학장, 한국 CCC 기획조정실장, 한국CCC 서울지구 대표, 한국CCC 총무, 학원복음화협의회 공동대표를 역임한 바 있습니다.
BS, 연세대학교
MS, PhD, Ohio State University
MDiv, PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School