Master's Degree in
Scripture, Tradition and Theology
42 hours
42 hours
On Campus | Online
On Campus | Online
This program will be available starting Fall 2025
The MA/STT is a multidisciplinary program designed to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and virtues to read the Bible well in the light of its ancient contexts, the history of its interpretation, enduring theological significance, and contemporary debate, according to a tradition that has acknowledged its authority and cherished its gospel. Through a collaborative effort of faculty from the Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, and Systematic Theology departments, a shared evangelical commitment to the truth, authority, and power of Scripture, and a common core, the program provides a comprehensive approach to understanding Christian Scripture, as well as the opportunity to pursue more specialized study in one of two concentrations. These two tracks focus coursework within a particular departmental discipline as noted in the descriptions that follow. The MA/STT is academic rather than professional in focus, preparing participants in knowledge and practice for teaching or researching in Christian secondary schools, or higher education where a doctorate may not be needed. It may also serve as an intermediate step toward doctoral study in a related area, in which case students should carefully consider which track would be most advantageous for their future study. This program is ideal for students seeking to deepen their understanding of the Bible and Christian theology, whether for academic, ecclesial, or personal enrichment.
Program Outcomes
- Students will gain competence in the historical traditions of Christian theology, Christian classic texts, and biblical exegesis.
- Students will integrate through their reading of Scripture the distinctive contributions of the disciplines – Old Testament; New Testament; Church History; Systematic Theology – to the aim of knowing and loving God.
- Students will learn to reason biblically and think theologically about God, God’s Word, and God’s world.
- Students will be able to articulate how the Old and New Testaments together bear witness to the triune God and recount His redemptive-historical work.
- Students will acquire expertise in the specific areas covered by their chosen track.
Trinity has been entrusted with the Gospel since 1897, and every day we are called to live with purpose. Our purpose as a divinity school is to know the Gospel, live the Gospel and make the Gospel known. In today’s ever-changing culture, Trinity immerses students in a community of biblical orthodoxy and practical living. The TEDS faculty is among the most widely published in evangelical academia and has deeply influenced the leaders shaping the present and future of evangelical Christianity across the globe.
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Choosing the right school is an important step on your educational journey. Our team is here to help! We want to make the process of learning about Trinity’s programs, degrees and admissions process as hassle-free as possible.
The MA in Scripture, Tradition and Theology has two tracks.
- Track in Biblical Exegesis and Interpretation: This track equips students to read, translate, and interpret the biblical text in its original language and contexts.
- Track in Church History and Systematic Theology: This track equips students to become responsible interpreters of Scripture and faithful stewards of Christian thought.
In addition to the requirements for general admission, you’ll need the following:
- Applicants must possess a baccalaureate degree, or the educational equivalent, from a recognized accredited institution.
- The applicant’s undergraduate grade point average must be a minimum of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
This program will be available starting Fall 2025
- Biblical Theology and Interpretation – 2hrs.
- Theology 1: The God of the Gospels: From the Father – 2hrs.
- Theology 2: The God of the Gospels: Through the Son – 2hrs.
- Theology 3: The God of the Gospels: In the Holy Spirit – 2hrs.
- Classic Texts in the History of Christianity 1 – 2hrs.
- Classic Texts in the History of Christianity 2 – 2hrs.
- English Bible (OT book) – 2hrs.
- English Bible (NT books) – 2hrs.
- MA Capstone – 2hrs.
- Methods (1 and 2) – 2hrs.
- Disciplinary specific reading course – 2hrs.
- Formation group (2 semesters) – 0hrs.
- Choose a Track
- Track in Biblical Exegesis and Interpretation – 10hrs.
- This track equips students to read, translate, and interpret the biblical text in its original language and contexts
- Track in Church History and Systematic Theology – 10hrs.
- This track equips students to become responsible interpreters of Scripture and faithful stewards of Christian thought.
- Track in Biblical Exegesis and Interpretation – 10hrs.
- Open Elective (any seminary course) – 2hrs.
- Department Electives – 8hrs.
- Choose courses from OT/NT/ST/CH
TOTAL: 42 hrs.
Request Information
Combining unrivaled academic rigor with a wholehearted commitment to gospel fidelity and an abundance of flexible options, TEDS offers a theological education that equips you to serve Christ with wisdom and grace, in truth and love.