Peter T. Lee


선교학, 한국 목회학 박사과정 담당교수 (2020년-현재)

Dr. Peter Lee is a missiologist whose life mission is to equip the global body of Christ to participate in God’s mission through mentoring, teaching, and researching. He has over three decades of ministry and professional experience in multicultural and intercultural contexts around the world. In addition to his international mission experiences, he brings his missiological perspective, holistic view of Christian ministry, and strategic thinking to his faculty role at Trinity.

Dr. Lee has worked with Operation Mobilization (OM). After serving in immigrant congregations in the Los Angeles area, he worked for ten years in North Africa, during which he lived out a life of witness to Christ among Muslims, led a multinational ministry team, and trained international business and development workers in cultural adaptation and intercultural skills. He coached and mentored numerous mission workers and expatriate professionals during that time.

He was born and grew up in Seoul, Korea and immigrated to the U. S. as a teenager. He sensed God’s calling to cross-cultural missions when he participated in Urbana Missions Conference as a college student, which entirely altered his life and career path. He studied mechanical engineering as an undergraduate and worked overseas on plant engineering projects. Dr. Lee has lived in four countries, traveled to dozens of countries on five continents, and regularly collaborates with Christian workers around the world through his work in mission research. He is an ordained Presbyterian minister who frequently preaches and speaks at local congregations and conferences in the Chicagoland and beyond.

Dr. Lee’s research interests include transformative intercultural social relations, multiethnic ministries, studies of cultural globalization, social scientific research methods, international migration, Christians and Muslims in the diaspora, gender and sexuality issues in Christian mission, and social changes in the Muslim world.

이태훈 박사는 그리스도의 몸된 교회가 하나님의 선교에 참여하도록 돕고 훈련시키는데 헌신하고 있는 선교학자입니다. 1997년부터 지금까지 국제오엠선교회(OM)에 몸담고 있는 이 박사는 북아프리카에서 10년동안 선교사로 사역하면서 다국적, 다문화 선교사역팀을 이끌었고, 타문화 훈련 및 컨설팅 사업에 종사하며 일상 속에서 현지 무슬림들과 복음을 나누는데 힘썼습니다. LA에서 한인이민교회를 섬겼고, 미국장로교회(PCUSA)에서 목사안수를 받았으며, 현재 트리니티 한국 목회학박사 과정의 담당교수 겸 선교학 겸임교수, 국제오엠선교회의 중동, 북아프리카 지역 선교연구원으로 섬기고 있습니다. 관심이 있는 연구 주제는 다문화 사역, 질적 연구 및 문화기술 방법론, 한인 이민교회와 선교, 국제 이주, 무슬림 디아스포라 등입니다.



Affiliations & Achievements

소속 및 업적


선택된 간행물

Lee, Peter T. 2023. “The Challenge of Muslim Integration in France and Its Missiological Implications.” Muslim-Christian Encounter 16 (2): 99–150.

Lee, Peter T. 2022. Hybridizing Mission: Intercultural Social Dynamics among Christian Workers on Multicultural Teams in North Africa. ASM Monograph Series 60. Eugene, OR: Pickwick.

Lee, Peter T. 2022. “Practicing Diasporic Habitus: Asian Americans in International Missions.” In Interconnections of Asian Diaspora: Mapping the Linkages and Discontinuities, edited by Sam George. Vol. 2. Asian Diaspora Christianity. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress.

Lee, Peter T. 2022. “Using Cultural Hybridity as an Analytic Lens for Missiological Research.” Missiology 50 (1): 48–62.

Tong, Joy K. C., Samuel Kang, Peter Lee, and Hyo-Seok Lim. 2021. “When Two Worlds Collide: Asian Christian LGBTQs Coming Out to Parents.” In Routledge International Handbook of Religion in Global Society, edited by Jayeel Cornelio, François Gauthier, Tuomas Martikainen, and Linda Woodhead, 155–65. Routledge International Handbooks. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Lee, Peter Taehoon. 2020. “Toward a Third Space of Cultures: Hybridity and Multiethnic Leadership in Christian Mission.” In A Hybrid World: Diaspora, Hybridity, and Missio Dei, edited by Sadiri Joy Tira and Juliet Lee Uytanlet, 217–31. Littleton, CO: William Carey Publishing.

Lee, Peter T., and Godfrey Harold. 2019. “Potential or Threat?: Adopting Cultural Hybridity as a Concept for Diaspora Missiology.” The South African Baptist Journal of Theology 28: 2–14.

Lee, Peter T., and James Sung-Hwan Park. 2018. “Beyond People Group Thinking: A Critical Reevaluation of Unreached People Groups.” Missiology 46 (3): 212–25.

Lee, Peter T. 2017. “Sungyohakjuk Teulgwa Muslim Jiyuk Sungyo Yungu 선교학적 틀과 무슬림지역 선교연구 Missiological Framework and Mission Research in the Muslim World.” 전방개척선교 (Korean Journal of Frontier Missions) 70 (5+6): 6–24.

Books by Dr. Lee

Study with Dr. Lee


ETC: Intercultural Studies Concentration



The MA in Ethics, Theology, and Culture with a concentration in Intercultural Studies equips students for the practice of cross-cultural mission, drawing upon theological, historical, and social scientific disciplines. The complexity of ministry in a world of globalization, resurgent traditional religions, growth of the church in the global south, migration, urbanization, and rapid change demands the highest quality of academic, spiritual, and practical preparation.


  • Theology Core – 10hrs.
  • Ethics & Culture Core – 8hrs
  • Intercultural Studies Concentration – 8hrs
    • Evangelism & the Local Church
    • Hist Expansion of Chty
    • Theology of M&E
    • Gospel in Cultural Context
  • Electives – 8hrs.
  • Formation Group (1 semester)
  • Capstone – 2hrs.

TOTAL: 36hrs.

Doctor of Philosophy

Intercultural Studies



Develop the ministry and research skills of leaders involved in a wide variety of missional, cross-cultural, and educational ministries. Focus is upon deepening our understanding of human diversity, contextual realities, and cultural change in ways that inform redemptive, gospel-centered ministry in the contemporary world.



Master of Theology



TEDS’ ThM offers discipline concentrations in each of our eight departments: Church History, Counseling, Educational Studies, Mission and Evangelism, New Testament, Old Testament, Pastoral Theology, and Systematic Theology, or specialized inter-departmental concentrations developed in consultation with the departmental faculty. The program can be completed in one year of study.


  • Concentration Core: 20 hours
  • Capstone: 4 hours