An Enduring Gift at the Heart of Ministry: How One Church Honored Their Longtime Pastor
Dec 4, 2024
A capacity for learning, adapting, and changing is an important facet of organizational resilience. What is involved in generative organizational change? Is it an event, a process, or constantly ongoing? What makes organizational change "good" for the organization? Who has the power to decide what is "good" for the organization and its members? How is it decided? What if there is strong disagreement or conflict? How is that handled? What is the role of organizational members and leaders in these discussions? As these questions demonstrate, the triad of change, power and conflict are intimately linked.
The purpose of this book is to explore the topics of change, power and conflict as they relate to the experiences of everyday organizational life. It will provide readers the opportunity to reflect critically on their own local experience and involvement in organizations and to glean actionable wisdom for meaningful engagement and impactful contributions to their organization(s) in the present and future.
Conflict, Power, and Organizational Change will be of interest to students, researchers, academics and professional colleagues interested in the fields of business and organizational studies, especially those wanting to get acquainted with the concepts of change, power and conflict in contemporary organizational settings.
Be prepared to lead and serve in diverse ministry contexts through a comprehensive understanding of Scripture,theology and theory. This program equips students to serve faithfully in a variety of ministry situations, providing wisdom and shepherding that reflect Christian convictions.
The Master of Arts in Educational Ministries (MA/EM) provides you with a rigorous theological background in Christian education ministry with intentional application to the ministry context. This program will further your understanding of educational theory and its application – helping people to grow in their Christian faith in the church, global education ministries, and other Christian contexts. This program will provide you a footing for leading educational ministries or anticipating a Doctor of Educational Ministry. A foundational curricular core in Bible, theology, and educational ministries provides a structure for integrative academic thinking. Course selections are developed in consultation with an educational faculty advisor in areas of your interest leading the program capstone. The capstone will demonstrate in-depth analysis and critique of educational practices for the local church or other educational settings such as camps, private schools or para-church organizations.
Participants consult with EM faculty adviser to focus concentration courses around an educational area of personal interest.
The Doctor of Philosophy program in Educational Studies incorporates particular concept areas to expand your professional capacities in research and educational leadership. You will be challenged to integrate faith and learning at every step of the program as you engage these areas in a variety of experiences and academic seminars.
TEDS’ ThM offers discipline concentrations in each of our eight departments: Church History, Counseling, Educational Studies, Mission and Evangelism, New Testament, Old Testament, Pastoral Theology, and Systematic Theology, or specialized inter-departmental concentrations developed in consultation with the departmental faculty. The program can be completed in one year of study.
Gain a deeper understanding of spiritual formation, curriculum building, and ministry practices to support each generation. This certificate will equip you to develop Biblically rooted programming and curriculum for all generations and intergenerational groups in the local church or other ministry contexts.
Featured Courses
Gain a deeper understanding of spiritual formation, stewarding a ministry team, curriculum building, church leadership and administration, roles of family in spiritual development and intergenerational, family, and children’s ministry care. This certificate will equip you to serve children and families in the local church and ministry contexts.
Featured Courses
Gain a deeper understanding of leadership practices and enhance your leadership skills in church, ministry or marketplace settings. By specializing in church leadership or executive leadership, you’ll be better equipped to lead teams in your area of focus.
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Expand your understanding of teaching methods, spiritual formation, curriculum building, education administration, and ministry teaching practices for each age group. With this certificate you’ll gain a strong foundation of educational ministry practices and have the option to specialize in a higher education administration track.
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