Rom Lectures
The Rom Lectures on Preaching have been funded by the family of the late Rev. Bernhard Rom to bring to the TEDS campus outstanding representatives of the gift and ministry of preaching.
Crafting a message and delivering that content to the audience is essential in the act of preaching. But it’s not enough. There is something deeper going on at the interaction of the biblical text and our lives. How do our personal stories connect with the overarching redemptive story of the Bible as the drama of Christ and his church unfolds? How do preachers and teachers help people step into this for personal and communal growth?
These lectures are designed to model for us on how to enter the narrative, even as we seek to understand our own story as we follow Jesus. As communicators of the good news, we need training to guide both growing disciples and passersby alike, inviting them into this journey. Trinity seeks to bring resources and people together, training future pastors and communicators of timeless truth in creative and compelling ways. The Rom Lectures are one of many great opportunities to be equipped and empowered for the task before us.
Previous Speakers

Dr. Jesse Nelson
Senior Pastor, Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church

Dr. Amhi Lee
Author of Preaching God’s Grand Drama: A Biblical-Theological Approach