Resources & Media

The Trinity Journal
The Trinity Journal is a theological journal published twice each year by the faculty of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Since 1980, the Trinity Journal has served scholarship and the church worldwide by offering thought-provoking essays and reviews to libraries, pastors, scholars, missionaries, and interested Christian lay people. Articles deal with classic biblical, historical, and theological issues, many of pastoral importance and most of timeless significance to Christians. Authors are aware of the most recent research, and write for fellow scholars and informed Christians alike who want to keep their theological basis for ministry fresh and growing.
Our submission service is still online, and can be accessed at the following link. Submit Article >>
Due to the rising costs of paper, printing, and postage, beginning in spring 2023, Trinity Journal will be published exclusively digitally. It will be available online through the Atla (American Theological Library Association) database for institutions and individuals who subscribe to Atla. Trinity Journal remains committed to the high quality of scholarship and scriptural integrity that has always characterized the journal.
For that, or any other questions, please email [email protected].
Trinity Magazine (2000-2018)
While other printed college and divinity school publications preceded it, Trinity Magazine was published from 2000–2018. Most of the work it sought to publish can nowadays be found in our University Newsroom. Just like the magazine, Trinity’s newsroom features campus news, alumni and faculty updates, as well as academic and other news. You will also find the occasional feature article on current issues affecting the church and the worldwide community of believers. You can peruse Trinity Magazine‘s online archive here (which goes back to Spring 2009). To contact the editor, email editor@tiu or call 847.945.8800. To send alumni news items or to change your mailing address, email [email protected] or call 877.339.1416.
Other Publications
To access our university magazine, journal, and other current and archived publications, please view a complete list of Trinity publications.