Private or alternative student loans are credit-based loans available from participating private lenders that help students to cover gaps in the financing of their education. Private student loans should be considered an option of last resort, after all other resources, including federal student aid, have been exhausted. Educational debt should be very carefully considered and limited to amounts needed to fill a gap between cost and other sources of finances.
Per Hour
Tuition = $745 per hour
Based on Credit Hours Taken
Full-time Students (10+ hours) = $130
Part-time Students (1-5 hours) = $65
If you have specific financial needs or have questions about costs or financial aid, please call us at 800.435.8805. We would love to help you make the best, most informed decision possible. For more information and financial planning assistance, contact the TIU Financial Aid Office at [email protected].
The Federal William D. Ford Direct Loan is a low-interest loan that students take out on their own behalf. The FAFSA must be completed in order to be eligible. The interest rate is fixed at 6.59%. This program allows students to borrow loan funds directly from the Federal Government, including both Direct Loans and Direct Graduate PLUS loans. Repayment begins 6 months after graduation or if the student drops below half time. The Federal Government requires all new, first-time loan borrowers to complete Loan Entrance Counseling and a Master Promissory Note online.
The Federal Direct Graduate PLUS loan is a low-interest loan that graduate students can take out on their own behalf. The FAFSA must be completed in order to be eligible. The interest rate is fixed at 7.6%. Repayment begins within sixty days after the loan is disbursed or may be deferred until six months after the student graduates or drops below half-time status.
This is a variable rate loan that students take out on their own behalf. This loan requires a credit check and generally, a cosigner. Interest rates vary depending on the lender. Please note that an alternative loan should be considered a loan of last resort. You may qualify for Title IV loans (Perkins loans, William D. Ford Direct or Direct Plus) and should first explore these options before seeking an alternative/private education loan. Private loans should be considered a last resort. Learn More>>
Juris Doctor Cost per unit = $1055
Master of Legal Studies Cost per unit = $750
Creditworthy JD students or those with a creditworthy cosigner may be eligible for bar study loans, which are private educational loans that can be used to cover the costs associated with bar preparation courses and bar exam expenses. Different lenders have varying requirements, interest rates, and borrowing limits. Generally, the maximum loan is $15,000.
Bar study loans should be researched, applied for, and procured entirely by the student; they are NOT considered part of your financial aid package. This means the loans will be sent via paper check to the borrower directly, not through Trinity. More About Loans >>
The following links will take you to common bar loan lender websites: Sallie Mae, Discover, PNC
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