Trinity Evangelical Divinity School is adding significant value to the already outstanding
Master of Divinity program. As a part of the
Lilly Pathways grant, Logos Bible Software will provide a custom library and the Logos 9 software to MDiv students beginning in June 2022. Many of the works in this library, which includes more than 60 works by TEDS faculty, have been required for core MDiv courses. It also includes at least one scholarly commentary on every book of the Bible. This has the potential of saving students a considerable amount of money on textbooks. In addition, students gain permanent ownership of all of these amazing resources upon graduation (valued at $8,200+).
Logos Bible Software is a digital library application designed for Bible study. In addition to basic eBook functionality, it includes extensive resource linking, note-taking functionality, and linguistic analysis for study of the Bible both in translation and in its original languages. See what's new in Logos 9
Please note that the Logos package is being supplied to all
incoming BA/MDiv and
MDiv students and any BA/MDiv and MDiv students
continuing in coursework in fall 2022.