Trinity College and Graduate School 2020 Faculty Retirements

July 9, 2020
Trinity College and Graduate School celebrate the long and faithful service of five faculty members who retired at the end of June.   Photo Of Bill Moulder Dr. William “Bill” Moulder, Professor of Biblical Studies, has taught at the college since 1975. Almost every Trinity College student has studied with him for Biblical Interpretation, a course that has been a mainstay in his teaching load for many years. Dr. Moulder is an avid fan of the Trinity Trojans, regularly supporting the Trojans with his presence at athletic events.     Photo Of Lois C. Fleming Associate Professor of English Lois C. Fleming, who has served for 34 years, is known for her work with the Trinity Digest and other media writing courses. She plans to teach on a part-time basis as she begins her retirement, including one of her favorite courses, the honors section of Critical Thinking and Writing.       Photo Of Joyce Shelton Dr. Joyce Shelton has filled many roles in the university during her 32 years of ministry at Trinity. In addition to her primary work as Professor of Biology, she has been Interim Dean of the College and Graduate School, Associate Dean for Trinity Graduate School, and most recently, the Chief Assessment Officer for the university and Director of the Division of Science, Technology and Health. Dr. Shelton has been a champion for the dual BA/MA degree in bioethics, and plans to teach an over/under MA/BA class this fall.   Photo Of Steve FrattProfessor of History Dr. Steve Fratt is probably best known for the games and simulations he has developed to help bring military history alive. Retiring now after 30 years of teaching at Trinity, Dr. Fratt plans to continue his activities as a history reenactor.       Photo Of Jana SundeneAssociate Professor of Christian Ministries Jana Sundene is retiring after 30 years of ministry at Trinity. However, she looks forward to continuing to help shape the lives of emerging adults, both through ongoing part-time teaching at the university as well as through ministry in her local church and beyond.       Photo Of Silvie RaquelThough not retiring, we wish to recognize Professor of Biblical Studies Dr. Sylvie Raquel, who is leaving Trinity after 16 years of ministry. Her passion for students and her leadership in the Israel Passages trips are legacies that will continue in the hearts and minds of her students.