Decades of Service: Celebrating Faculty Emeriti

May 20, 2021
Trinity celebrates the following faculty who have dedicated decades of service to Trinity and its students, retiring at the end of the 2020–2021 academic year, and now officially being awarded emeritus status.

*listed in order of years of service

John S. Feinberg, PhD Co-Chair of the Biblical and Systematic Theology Department Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology On faculty since 1983 Dr. Feinberg has served as a missionary, pastor, and professor over the course of his career. He has served at the national level in various evangelical groups, and has authored or edited numerous books, essays, and articles, most notably on evil and suffering, ethics, and contemporary theology and philosophy. He and his wife, Patricia, reside in Vernon Hills, Illinois. They have three children. In his spare time, Dr. Feinberg is an avid sports fan who also enjoys photography, music, and travel.
  Angelo G. Rentas, MS Chair, Department of Biology Associate Professor of Biology On faculty since 1985 Rentas says that his time at Trinity College has been a blessing. He left the scientific research industry 36 years ago "determined to create and implement a full-featured God-glorifying science program at the College. Over many years I have developed special, meaningful personal relationships with faculty and staff colleagues, as well as a number of wonderful students."
  Faculty LoisFlemingLois C. Fleming, MA Associate Professor of English On faculty since 1986 Prior to coming to Trinity, Professor Fleming was a music critic, teacher of missions training, and worked in donor development. Her eclectic interests include cross-stitching, Shakespeare, the British Novel, applied ethics from historical contexts—such as the German Resistance in WWII to current issues involving media—and hymnology.
  Joyce A. Shelton, PhD Professor of Biology On faculty since 1988 Reflecting on her time at Trinity, Dr. Shelton says she is grateful to have been able to serve the Lord by doing work that she truly loves together with godly colleagues, whom she cares for and respects. "When I think of the countless students God brought, not just into my classroom but into my life, I am both amazed and humbled. I was privileged to teach and mentor them, to pray with them, to help them grow and mature in faith, in character and in their knowledge of God’s word and his world, and then, beyond graduation, to see them serving faithfully as Christ’s agents of grace and truth in so many places and ways. It was a precious gift. I will miss Trinity and I continue to pray that it flourishes. It is an all too rare oasis in our increasingly uncertain world: a safe and caring community wherein students can learn and discern God’s purpose for their lives."
  Dori L. Karlesky, PhD Professor of Biology and Chemistry On faculty since 1989 "I have been deeply blessed by the faculty I serve with and by the students I have taught," Dr. Karlesky says. "The faculty, especially those in my division, have become more than colleagues, they are lifelong friends. The students I have been blessed to work with have challenged and encouraged me to improve in every aspect of my life. I will miss them all."
  Faculty GrahamColeGraham A. Cole, ThD Dean of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology On faculty from 2002–2011 and 2015–2021 Dr.  Cole has faithfully served as academic dean of TEDS for the past six years. Cole had previously served as Anglican Professor of Divinity at Beeson Divinity School (2011–2015), and before that taught as professor of biblical and systematic theology at TEDS from 2002–2011. Cole announced his return to his native Australia to serve as emeritus principal at Ridley College and to engage in other ministry opportunities.