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Internships at Trinity

Trinity Law School has partnered with over 35 internship opportunities in the Orange County and LA County area. See what some of our students have to say about their experience.

Experiences that get you out in the field.

Potential Internships

Family Law
Immigration Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Defense
Real Estate Law
Workers Compensation Law
Estate Planning Law
Personal Injury Law
Civil Litigation Law

Featured Internships

District Court of Appeal


San Bernardino District Attorney

01 | District Court of Appeal

“Working with the District Court of Appeal was an invaluable and memorable experience for a young law student. I was able to focus on a broad spectrum of legal topics in the appellate process, fine-tuning my writing skills and research capabilities. My externship deepened my interest in areas that I previously found complex and intimidating, providing me a real-world experience of what it will be like to be a practicing attorney.”

02 | Saunders Law Group

“Through the tasks I have completed at Saunders Law Group, I have acquired many skills that are crucial in the law field. After completing this internship, I feel confident to progress my studies and experience in law.”

03 | San Bernardino District Attorney’s Office

“My time at San Bernardino District Attorney’s office allowed me to form lasting relationships with law enforcement and District Attorney personnel, as well as members of the defense bar. I learned that relationships are key to efficiently and properly doing this job. In addition, I was able to sharpen not only my court room skills but also my negotiation and discretionary skills. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.”

In addition to giving you practical law experience, internships serve as an integral part to your future law career.

Start your journey.

Make Justice Your Calling

Our dedicated faculty members will provide the guidance you need to push you toward a successful legal career.