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At its core, our community is shaped by our commitment to the Gospel – the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We exist to serve Christ by championing a biblical view of human law and government through our students, graduates, faculty, and staff.
In 1980, a trio of Christian leaders – Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, Dr. Harold Lindsell, and Dr. Walter Martin – had a vision for an institution called the Simon Greenleaf School of Law. Their goal was the academic integration of law, human rights, and defense of the Christian faith. Eventually this school was renamed Simon Greenleaf University to reflect broader educational goals.
In 1997, SGU joined Trinity International University and was renamed Trinity Law School. Trinity’s broadly evangelical ethos includes many of the same emphases that accompanied the Law School’s original founding in 1980, including the integration of the Christian faith and other disciplines such as law and the humanities.
Trinity Law School is part of the Trinity International University family of schools. Trinity International University holds to the statement of faith of the Evangelical Free Church of America (adopted 2019). The Evangelical Free Church of America is an association of autonomous churches united around these theological convictions.
As an institution committed to inerrant Scripture, given by God as our final authority for faith and life, we hold ourselves accountable to it and to each other with regard to these values as we cultivate academic excellence, Christian faithfulness, and lifelong learning.
Preparing students to flourish as attorneys dedicated to advocate for justice, serve the Church, and pursue the truth throughout the world for Christ.
We are here to model and to engender Christ centeredness in all that we do. The lordship of Christ should affect and be evident in every aspect of education, relationship, and endeavor at Trinity.
We value service to the Church because we believe that the Church is God’s central vehicle to accomplish his work in the world. Our vision for serving the Church is a global vision, just as God’s vision for his Church is global. A particular value affecting Trinity’s work is to identify and meet the educational needs of the EFCA.
We seek to be a learning community that operates by the ethics and values of the Kingdom of God. The makeup of the community should be a reflection of the breadth and diversity of the family of God. The way we treat people should be consistent with the morals, justice, compassion, humility, and love of our Lord. Interaction with students should both reflect an attitude of service to them as individuals and take advantage of opportunities for mentoring and modeling and personal development.
We seek to bring faith, life, and learning to bear on the issues facing our world. Our perspective is one of engagement with culture from a Christ-centered and biblically rooted foundation. We are committed to high standards of research, scholarship, thinking, and living as a means of preparing students to engage the world and to respond honestly and earnestly to those in a pluralistic society.
© 2024 Trinity Law School. All rights reserved.
Kelli Marsh
J.D., Trinity Law School
Our dedicated faculty members will provide the guidance you need to push you toward a successful legal career.