TEDS Chapel returns to The Apostles’ Creed for fall 2020

September 4, 2020
Trinity’s university leadership has approved a plan to proceed with TEDS/TGS chapel for the fall semester on the condition that appropriate safety protocols remain in place. Chapel will continue, then, with live sermons broadcast virtually through a livestream and shared with an assembly of no more than 40 participants that pre-register and practice social distancing. This plan is both the safest and most sustainable option at this time, and thankfully it means a return to something akin to the graduate chapel experience that we've known. Click here to view the TEDS Chapel livestream. Faculty and students can register for an in-person seat for TEDS Chapel at this link. During the fall semester, chapel will offer a sermon series on systematic theology organized around the creedal formula of the Apostle’s Creed. Each week a faculty preacher will exposit the theological essence of their chosen phrase or line from the creed. The following voices from our faculty have expressed their enthusiasm for series:

"I'm excited for this semester's TEDS chapel series on the Apostle's Creed and the way it will help us be formed by this common confession of faith that has bound the church together for centuries. It will help our TESD/TGS community unite around central and essential truths of the Christian faith. And I also pray it would provide a great model for our students as to how they can preach theologically rich sermon series in their own churches." ~ Steve Roy

“This series on the Apostle’s Creed offers an exciting opportunity for us to think through some of the most important facets of our faith. Our TEDS community needs hope—an opportunity to see beyond this difficult season—and sometimes in order to look ahead, we have to look way back.” ~ Madison Pierce

“The confessions of the Apostles' Creed cut to the core of the Christian faith. These are the ideas that drive our understanding of who we are in light of who God is and what God has done.” ~ James Arcadi

"The preaching of Christian doctrine is a means by which God nourishes and sustains His church in the one true faith. I pray the Holy Spirit will use this series powerfully to transform lives and renew our minds in conformity with the person of Christ." ~ David Luy

We look forward to this timely series and its focus on “the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.” (Jude 1:3) We trust that our attention to the essentials of Christian doctrine this semester will foster more celebration of all that unites us in our common confession of Christ. Check out the schedule below: This is the schedule for the Grad chapel this fall 2020