New EFCA scholarships on offer at Trinity

February 4, 2020
Despite national economic statistics trending higher at the close of 2019 (GDP, personal income, etc.),  the pinch continues to be felt across the nation in many sectors, not least among the broad spectrum of middle-class Americans. While for that segment of the population a liberal arts education remains highly valued, the costs associated with attending a private Christian university make for an extremely difficult, if not impossible, investment. For the majority of our brothers and sisters in Trinity's affiliated denomination, the Evangelical Free Church of America, this also holds true. But Trinity values the ministry of those serving full-time within the EFCA and thus seeks to make its education more affordable for their families. With respect to our undergraduate program, we want Trinity to be the first choice among emerging adults whose families serve within the EFCA. To that end, we are pleased to announce the expansion of the EFCA Ministry Family Scholarship. If in the past this opportunity was limited to those ordained to full-time vocational ministry, now we have extended the same opportunity to all those employed full-time as staff within the EFCA. We're also increasing funding to eligible students from $17,000 to $25,000 in total gift aid. To qualify for this scholarship, a full-time student must be the child of: Students receiving the EFCA Ministry Family Scholarship are guaranteed to receive a total of $25,000 in gift aid from Trinity each year they remain a full-time student at Trinity. They also maintain eligibility for our Church Match Grant program (through which up to $1,000 provided by the church will be matched by Trinity). While this is the only additional Trinity gift aid that can be added to this $25,000 award, students will still be able to use any Federal and State financial aid and loans they are eligible for to subsidize their remaining expenses. In addition, we are now offering 50% off TEDS online programs for EFCA pastors, staff and ReachGlobal, including: Credits taken in the Certificate can also be subsequently applied to any TEDS masters degree (subject to program requirements), and those who have already earned the Certificate can now choose to continue in their studies online to obtain the MATS or the MAEM at 50% off for as long as the student is actively pursuing the degree. Note that this opportunity is for distance-education students only. As a reminder, we are also continuing to provide rent-free housing for the first year of select Master of Divinity students. Our hope is that as the costs of housing and education are on the rise nationally, we can make the journey to the Master of Divinity program at TEDS simple and affordable. Questions? Please contact [email protected].