Doctor of Ministry

Thriving Immigrant
Churches Track

Immigrant churches in North America and around the world are an integral part of the global faith community with their own unique challenges, including intergenerational and intercultural issues. If these challenges are not dealt with in a deliberate and creative way, the potential of these churches may be hampered, wasting valuable kingdom resources that may be used for the sake of the gospel.
The Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS) now offers the Thriving Immigrant Churches Track in partnership with the Hiebert Center/TICI (Thriving Immigrant Congregations Initiative) for immigrant church pastors and leaders in North America to engage with their unique challenges and opportunities. Beginning fall 2022, this track will offer these leaders a focused learning track that is theologically sound, contextually relevant, and missional in nature.


Trinity has been entrusted with the Gospel since 1897, and every day we are called to live with purpose. Our purpose as a divinity school is to know the Gospel, live the Gospel and make the Gospel known. In today’s ever-changing culture, Trinity immerses students in a community of biblical orthodoxy and practical living. The Trinity faculty is among the most widely published in evangelical academia and has deeply influenced the leaders shaping the present and future of evangelical Christianity across the globe.

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Reaching out to the younger generation

Hear a word from Rev. Peter Kim, Lead Pastor at Queens Presbyterian English Ministry in New York, on the importance of reaching out to the second-generation of immigrant families.

Cultivating Multicultural Ministry

Hear the transformative journey of Pastor Sunday, a missionary from Nigeria, whose arrival in Chicago 28 years ago sparked a vibrant ministry catering to African immigrants.

Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program

Experience a classroom setting like none other. At Trinity, you will study under leading theologians, experts, and renowned authors in their specific field. Our professors will not only teach you but invest in your life.
Dr. Kim’s areas of study include theology, linguistics, and education. He previously served with Wycliffe Bible Translators for 20 years, where he equipped local church leaders and empowered other missionaries. During his time at Wycliffe, the Bible books Jonah and Ruth were published in a minority language he worked with.
Jonathan Kim, PhD

Financial Aid

Did you know that nearly 95% of our students receive some form of financial aid? At Trinity we offer scholarships, grants, rebates, and other aid options to help pay for the cost of schooling. Learn more about what is available below or by contacting the Financial Aid Office at [email protected].


The Thriving Immigrant Churches Track will offer immigrant pastors and leaders multiple learning opportunities to address their unique challenges by helping them to form innovative ministry strategies and a strong witnessing community that will bless their neighbors and beyond. It will provide space for immigrant church pastors and leaders to be refreshed, recharged, and reengaged for the sake of Christ and his kingdom.
Though many other seminaries offer Chinese studies, Korean studies, and Spanish studies, this new track is unique and contextual, focusing on the critical issues that immigrant churches face: the conflicts and tensions between First Generation (FG) and Second Generation (SG), forming a strong community of reconciliation, and reaching out to their neighbors beyond their ethnic boundaries.
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Commencement


TICT Required Courses
  • Thriving Immigrant Churches Workshop
  • Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Immigrant Church
  • Developing a Healthy Congregational Culture
  • Shaping an Immigrant Congregation to be Healthy & Missional
Required for all DMin students
  • Missional Leadership in Today’s Church
  • Research Methods
  • Major Project Research (taken for 6 hrs total)

Request Information

Combining unrivaled academic rigor with a wholehearted commitment to gospel fidelity and an abundance of flexible options, TEDS offers a theological education that equips you to serve Christ with wisdom and grace, in truth and love.

DMin Thriving Immigrant Churches Track Faculty

Program Director

Jonathan Kim Profile