Scott M. Manetsch

스캇 메넷치

Chair of the Church History and the History of Christian Thought Department, Professor of Church History

교회사, 기독교 사상 역사 교수

Dr. Scott Manetsch served as an associate pastor of education and discipleship in the Reformed Church for three years before earning his doctorate in Late Medieval and Early Modern European History at the University of Arizona. During graduate school he studied under the renowned Reformation scholar Heiko A. Oberman, and was awarded a Fulbright fellowship to spend two years doing archival research on French Reformation history at the University of Geneva. He was on the religion faculty of Northwestern College (Iowa) for three years before joining Trinity’s Church History department in 2000.

Dr. Manetsch is a specialist in Calvin and Reformed Christianity, the history of the pastoral office, and the history of exegesis in the Reformation era. Since the publication of his dissertation under the title Theodore Beza and the Quest for Peace in France, 1572-1598 (Brill, 2000), he has conducted intensive research on the theology and practice of pastoral ministry in Reformation Europe. He has had the opportunity to present many of his research findings at scholarly conferences in Switzerland, Germany, France, and the Netherlands. His articles on topics related to the Protestant Reformation have appeared in edited volumes as well as such journals as Church History, Calvin Theological Journal, Westminster Theological Journal, and the Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance.

Dr. Manetsch and his wife Catherine (McKee) Manetsch have two daughters, Hannah and Melissa, who are university students. As a family, they enjoy reading books together, camping, hiking in the mountains, jogging, cycling, watching NCAA basketball, and spending occasional summers in Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Manetsch is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America, and is extensively involved in local congregational church ministry.

과목: 종교개혁 시대의 목회사역

메넷치 박사는 저명한 종교개혁학자인 Heiko A. Oberman에게 사사하며 중세 후기 및 근대 유럽사를 공부했습니다. Fulbright 장학생으로 스위스 제네바 대학에서 프랑스 종교개혁 역사에 관한 기록을 2년 동안 연구 했습니다. 2000년에 트리니티 신대원의 교회사 부서에 합류하기 전에 3년 동안 노스웨스턴 칼리지 (아이오와주)의 종교학 교수로 재직했습니다. 메넷치 박사는 유럽 개혁주의 목회 사역의 신학과 실천에 대해 집중적으로 연구한바 있는 칼빈과 개혁주의, 종교개혁 시대의 주해 역사에 관한 전문가입니다. 미국 장로교 (PCA) 안수 목사이며 지역 교회 사역에 활발히 참여하고 있습니다.



Affiliations & Achievements

소속 및 업적


선택된 간행물

Calvin’s Company of Pastors: Pastoral Care and the Emerging Reformed Church, 1536-1609 (Oxford, 2012)

The Reformation Commentary on Scripture: 1 Corinthians (InterVarsity Press, 2017)

Theodore Beza at 500: New Perspectives on an Old Reformer (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, forthcoming, 2020)