Jung-Sook Lee


Former President of Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology, Current Professor of Church History

전 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교 총장, 현 교회사 교수

Subject: Sexuality, Marriage, Family: Church History and Pastoral Practice

Dr. Jung-Sook Lee has been a professor at Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology since 2002. She served as the school’s dean, vice-president, and then the 5th president. Currently, she serves as a professor of church history, vice-president of the Asia Theological Association, and a central member of the International Congress for Calvin Research. Dr. Lee has played a pioneering role as a female theologian, serving as the first female president of the Korean Association of Church History, National Association of Theological Colleges, Prayer Meeting for Christian University Presidents, and Korea Association of Evangelical Theological Colleges.

과목: 성, 결혼, 가족: 교회사적 이해와 목회실천

이정숙 박사는 2002년부터 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교에서 교수로 사역해 왔습니다. 동교의 학장, 부총장을 거쳐 5대 총장을 역임했으며, 현재 동교의 교회사 교수, Asia Theological Association의 부의장, International Congress for Calvin Research의 중앙위원 으로 섬기고 있습니다. 이 박사는 한국교회사학회, 전국신학대학협의회, 기독교대학총장 기도회, 한국복음주의신학대학협의회 의 최초 여성 회장을 역임하는 등, 여성 신학자로서 선구자 역할을 감당해 오고 있습니다.

