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Western Springs Baptist Church – Senior Pastor

4475 Wolf Rd
Western Springs,

Position Type

Senior Pastor


Baptist (Other)

Ministry Area


Avg. Weekly Attendance


Job Description

Tn addition to reviewing the job description below, please visit and follow the instructions for submitting a resume, responding to our Candidate Questionnaire, and providing links to sermon videos. You will also find helpful information about our church and downloadable forms.

The Senior Pastor’s primary responsibility under the authority of Scripture is the spiritual development and discipleship of the congregation by the leading of the Holy Spirit. He will place a high priority on biblical preaching and proclaim the Word without apology. The Senior Pastor will have a vibrant relationship with Jesus and a passion to discover Christ and display His transforming power. The Senior Pastor’s focus will be as follows:

1. He will provide expositional biblical instruction that inspires and invigorates the congregation toward spiritual growth, goals and gospel proclamation.
2. He will be a godly example to the congregation in prayer, word, thought, and action.
3. He will lead the staff, the Church Board, and the Spiritual Leadership Council in setting a ministry vision and will lead the congregation in fulfilling it.
4. He will oversee pastoral care through spiritual oversight.
5. He will have a heart for the lost, leading the church in evangelizing others.

Based in a Chicago suburb, we are an unaffiliated Baptist church, emphasizing scriptural and evangelical principles. Our diverse congregation focuses on the gospel’s truth. We stress the importance of communal learning, growth, and service as part of the local church body. Our ministries cater to all ages, fostering discipleship, worship, and spiritual healing. Our vision statement is ‘To Discover Christ and Display His Transforming Power’, and The Scriptures are the supreme authority for our faith. We believe in mankind’s sinfulness and God’s reconciliation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Our governance allows both genders to serve in elected lay leadership positions. We have various ministries including Diaconate, Discipleship, Evangelism, Facility and Finance, Fellowship, Missions, and Worship. Each committee serves as a task force to manage relevant ministries. Our church, characterized by strong biblical preaching and community outreach, is debt-free and has a 110-year history.