West Springs Church – Pastor

501 Big Bend Road
United States

Position Type




Ministry Area


Avg. Weekly Attendance


Job Description

 West Springs Church is a congregation located in Ballwin, Missouri. The Church has strong emphases on service and discipleship. We worship in spirit through a contemporary style and proclaim God’s Word primarily through Christ-centered expository preaching.

West Springs Church is seeking a spiritual leader to be mentored by the current pastor who will retire in two years (Jan 2025). We are seeking a man of God who has been called by God to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ; to feed the flock of God and oversee the ministries of the church; to serve as teacher and shepherd of the congregation and as the administrator of church operations. The Church desires a pastor who will rely on the Holy Spirit and lead by following Jesus’ principles, commands, and statutes, as described in I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. The Church seeks a pastor who will lead by example through Christ-like character, personal integrity, and individual discipleship.


  • Preaching and Teaching
  • Leadership within the context of a plurality of elders style of church governance.
  • Caring for the needs of God’s people by counseling, prayer, and ministry wherever needed, including visiting the sick and shut-in.
  • Leadership and coordination of support for missions and outreach on local, national, and international levels.


  • Master’s Degree from Seminary is preferred.
  • A man who demonstrates authentic calling and the requisite gifts of a pastor/elder as listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.


All qualified persons must submit the following documents and items to the Pastoral Search Committee:

  • Submit resume and letter of interest to [email protected].
  • A letter of interest that includes a description of how you became a believer of Jesus Christ and the reason you are called to ministry as a pastor.
  • A current resume that includes a summary of the relevant ministry, professional, and educational experiences.
  • A recent video-recorded sermon submitted via DVD, MP4 or YouTube (high quality, HD preferred) delivered within the last six (6) months.
  • Recent color photograph {Head Shot} digital format.

Please Email applications to:

Attn: Pastoral Search Committee Chairperson

West Springs Church

501 Big Bend Rd,  Ballwin, MO 63021

[email protected]