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Ruffin Stacey Baptist Church – Pastor

261 Estes Rd

Position Type



Baptist (Other)

Ministry Area


Avg. Weekly Attendance


Job Description

Ruffin Stacey Baptist Church is currently searching for a new pastor. We are a Southern Baptist congregation located in Ruffin, NC, a rural area in north central North Carolina, are conservative in our views and supportive of the Baptist Faith and Message of 2000.

Pastor Job Description

1.     To proclaim the gospel with the goal of reaching person for Christ and fostering spiritual growth and unity among church members.

2.     To love and affirm person and families within the fellowship without bias or prejudice.

3.     To provide counseling to members and nonmembers and to keep confidential such communications.

4.     To serve as administrator of church programs and ministries by recommending ministries/programs to the appropriate persons elected by the church.

5.     To work with committees and organizations selected by the church in the development and implementation of church programs and ministries. Chairpersons of committees and organizations are to have the responsibility of their offices with the counsel of the pastor as desired or needed. All committees and organizations are ultimately responsible to the church.

6.     To be ex officio member of all committees including the deacon board. The pastor shall, as an ex officio member of these committees, offer expertise and advice but shall not be entitled to vote.

7.     To give primary oversight to the church office, supervise other paid staff, oversee the church calendar, represent the church to visitors and other outside contacts, and advise other church member of information they need to carry out duties as church officers, and other reasonable activities relative to the church office.

8.     To establish and announce church office hours. Maintain office hours for the benefit of all church members and the related business of the church. In times of the pastor’s absence, the church secretary and/or other staff present should be informed how to contact the pastor.

9.     To visit the sick, shut-ins and bereaved as necessary to meet individual’s needs. The pastor should be particularly sensitive to individual needs during and immediately after negative circumstances in the lives of church members and their immediate family.

10.  To be involved in and supportive of the local Baptist association, the Baptist State Convention of NC and the denomination in its work and ministries.

To apply for this job, please click here