Raleigh Chinese Christian Church – Cantonese Pastor/Minister

520 Allen Lewis Dr.

Position Type

Cantonese Pastor/Minister



Ministry Area


Avg. Weekly Attendance


Job Description

The Raleigh Chinese Christian Church is seeking a qualified Cantonese Pastor/Minister who is fluent in Cantonese and is able to communicate in English (ability to speak Mandarin is a plus, but not a requirement). This Pastor/Minister should be sensitive to God’s leading in fulfilling the vision and mission.

Primary Function – To provide kingdom leadership to the Cantonese congregation of this church by enabling the congregants to focus on the Great Commandment and Great Commission, and by equipping them to carry out the five functions of the New Testament church, vis-à-vis, the vision and mission of Raleigh Chinese Christian Church: Worship, Instruction, Fellowship, Evangelism and Ministry. The primary target audience of ministry for the Cantonese Pastor would be to the Cantonese speaking adults and their families.

The Cantonese Pastor/Minister will work with the other pastors/ministers in overseeing the local body of Christ, with specific focus on the Cantonese congregation.

Leading – The Cantonese Pastor/Minister will lead and develop church members to fulfill the Great Commission and accomplish the purpose statement of this church. He will work with the other pastors/ministers to communicate the vision for ministry that God gives to this congregation. He will, together with the other pastors/ministers and lay elders, lead the body of deacons and other ministry teams of the church, and perform other functions as designated within the auspices of the eldership. The Cantonese Pastor/Minister will lead and minister to the Cantonese speaking members of the church congregation.

The Cantonese Pastor/Minister will conduct and organize the Cantonese worship. He will lead, oversee and promote sound and balanced programs that are functional, compatible and fully feasible within the total spiritual ministry of the whole church.

Feeding – The Cantonese Pastor/Minister, working closely with the lay elders and the other pastors/ministers, will endeavor to guide, teach, nurture, challenge, and stimulate spiritual growth and development in the lives of the church members.

Equipping – The Cantonese Pastor/Minister will use his spiritual gifts to edify, encourage and build up this local body of Christ. He will provide appropriate pastoral care and discipleship training to church members and promote effective Biblical Bible teaching.

Counseling/Caring – The Cantonese Pastor/Minister will preach and teach the Bible, believing that God is the author, that salvation is a gift from God, and that biblical truth is without any error for its content. He will provide appropriate pastoral care to members of the church and the community through counseling and visitation.

Evangelizing – The Cantonese Pastor/Minister will be actively involved in carrying out the Great Commission by planning and participating in evangelistic events to reach out to the local community for Christ. He will also lead discipleship trainings to strengthen the congregation’s faith and walk with Christ.


The Cantonese Pastor/Minister is expected to be a servant leader. He is expected to live an exemplary life modeling the call, character, and competencies incumbent of a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is also expected to demonstrate a servant spirit as a growing disciple of Jesus Christ.

The Cantonese Pastor/Minister shall experience a genuine call of God to minister, evangelize, shepherd and equip the Cantonese congregation of a multi-cultural Chinese Christian church in a medium-sized community. He shall espouse a life consistent of faithful prayer, preaching God’s Word, equipping the saints to do the work of the ministry, and calling sinners to a life in Christ.


Raleigh Chinese Christian Church



[email protected]




520 Allen Lewis Dr.



United States

(919) 834-3815

[email protected]

