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Immanuel Leidy’s Church – Pastor

273 W Cherry Ln

Position Type




Ministry Area


Avg. Weekly Attendance


Job Description

Position Summary
– To advance the Great Commission by sharing the Gospel of Christ.
– Training people to be His disciples by providing Christian nurture, oversight, and leadership for the congregation.
– Serve as administrative head of day-to-day activities.
– Lead the congregation in representing ILC in the wider church and civic community.

– Called by God to be a pastor.
– Maintains an ongoing faithful relationship with Jesus Christ, is above reproach in personal moral life, and encourages the same throughout the congregation.
– Upholds Scriptural Truths and the Statement of Faith of this congregation, while recognizing and following the Church’s Constitution.
– Is under the spiritual and moral oversight of the Spiritual Council.

Pastoral Responsibilities
– Provide pastoral care and counseling for the entire congregation, particularly walking alongside those who are in a time of physical, emotional, spiritual, or family-related need. This includes recognized, flexible office hours as well as visitation.
– Work with Consistory to develop plans for implementing ILC’s broader vision, and to support the growth of the congregation.
– Work with the Spiritual Council to ensure the quality of the teaching ministry to, from, and for this congregation.
– Provide for the mobilization and utilization of the gifts and talents resident within this local congregation for maximum impact on this congregation, the community, the nation, and the world in accordance with the command of Jesus Christ.
– Plan and lead the regular services of worship as well as officiate special services such as confirmations, weddings, baptism, funerals and making adequate provision for pulpit replacements when appropriate.
– Other duties as assigned

– Provide clear direction, time management, encouragement and correction as necessary on a daily basis while overseeing the other church staff.
– Salary terms and job performance shall be reviewed annually, and any salary adjustments made by the Consistory shall be voted on by the congregation at the Annual Congregational Meeting.
– Is directly responsible to the Consistory for job performance.

– 3-5 Years of Pastoral leadership preferred
– Masters of Divinity preferred