Our Program’s Purpose:
The Apprenticeship Program is an intentional discipleship program within the Church for young men and women. Transitional times are formative times. During the transition out of the teen years and into adulthood, young adults face pivotal questions about faith and life, about identity and direction. While some unfortunately drift away from the Church, we seek to form disciples who profess, practice, and persevere in their faith.
Integrating both the day-to-day of practical ministry as well as cohort courses, Apprentices will grow: heart, mind, soul, and strength. Apprenticeship is formation during the transition, all for the glory of God.
Who is the Program for?
- Young adults / recent high school graduates who want a year of intentional discipleship
- Young adults who are considering ministry or full-time ministry
- Young adults taking a gap-year for spiritual formation, theological grounding, and mentored ministry participation This will be a year to see where God is leading. The prayer is not for all Apprentices to be future church staff as much to be fully engaged in what God is doing through the church, regardless of career or location.
What are the Goals / Objectives?
1. Grow deeper spiritual roots in the soil of Christian community, watered by God’s Word.
2. Develop a panoramic and practical understanding of the Bible, our place in history, and God’s work in and through our lives.
3. Gain hands-on ministry experience within the local church.
4. Go out after the Apprentice Program loving God, His Word, His Church, and His world — equipped to be better ambassadors for Christ, His kingdom and His world, wherever God leads.
What will a Week include?
- Each week will include ministry and learning and reflecting — the hands, head, and heart of a maturing disciple.
- 20 Hours of Hands-on Ministry: Apprentices will be a part of HBC, involved in the day-to-day of significant ministry, mentored along the way.
- 20 Hours of Cohort Classes: Apprentices will participate in a few college classes as well as times together for spiritual formation and learning from HBC leaders and one another.
The Cost?
- There is no tuition or cost to the Apprentice! Classes and Resources are included!
- For the time in ministry (20 hours / week), Apprentices are compensated for their work!
- Apprentices are responsible for housing and transportation.
How to Get Connected?
- Contact Lindsay Olford: [email protected]
- Contact Kyle Meeker: [email protected]
- Review information page at www.harvestable.org/apprenticeship/
- Apply to all programs at www.harvestbible.org/applications/