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Gashland Evangelical Presbyterian Church – Senior Pastor

8029 North Oak Trafficway
Kansas City,

Position Type

Senior Pastor


Presbyterian (EPC)

Ministry Area


Avg. Weekly Attendance


Job Description

– To provide pastoral, shepherding, and strategic leadership to Gashland Evangelical Presbyterian Church.
– Preach and expound the Word of God.
– Oversee the corporate worship of the church to ensure that it remains God-focused, scriptural, and edifying.
– Lead the congregation in the celebration of the sacraments.
– Oversee the education, nurture, and mission of the church.
– Along with the Ruling Elders, exercise joint ministry to the needs of the flock.
– Along with the Ruling Elders, provide pastoral care for those who are ill, hospitalized, shut-in, or otherwise in need of spiritual support.
– Minister to those who have need of a Pastor’s care, love, and compassion.
– Along with the Ruling Elders, exercise the joint responsibility of jurisdiction.

Teaching Elders recognize they cannot oversee Christ’s church without Christ’s help. Therefore, they commit to a daily devotional practice of worship, prayer and bible study, as they seek the wisdom and will of God, the heart and mind of Christ, and guidance of the Holy Spirit in shepherding and governing the church.


GEPC Senior Pastor Search

GEPC Senior Pastor Search