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Faith Bible Church – Associate Pastor

5211 West St. Joseph Hwy,

Position Type

Associate Pastor



Ministry Area


Avg. Weekly Attendance


Job Description

Pastors are the earthly shepherds of the local church. They are elected officers bearing the New Testament titles of bishop, elder, shepherd, overseer, teacher, preacher, servant and minister (Acts 14:23). As such, they are spiritual leaders in prayer and ministry. Ideally, one pastor/elder is called to the main responsibility of preaching and teaching the Scriptures to equip the saints for daily living and the spread of the Gospel (I Tim: 5:17).

Faith Bible Church has a need to fill this primary preaching/teaching pastor position with a man who:
• Meets the qualifications set forth in I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9
• Agrees with our Articles of Faith
• Meets the qualifications and duties listed under the Officer of Pastor as in our Constitution
• Supports the eldership and has skills/experience to grow the eldership
• Is committed to training the next generation
• Is devoted to practical application of God’s Word, especially that which is practicably specific to our body
• Has a vision for increasing our work together and encouraging one another outside of Sunday worship

We seek a long-term relationship for continual spiritual growth of the church utilizing enthusiasm and cultural gifts and answers for today’s society. A working knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and utilization of Godly wisdom in preaching, teaching, and counseling the church body is essential.
Starting base salary will be $50,000 with benefits for a full-time position. Specific salary and benefits package will be based on applicable experience and a mutually agreed upon work schedule.
We are looking for a full or part time Pastor/Preacher that loves the gospel message, and values fulfilling the Great Commission.