What is expected of you?
Position Expectations & Estimated Time Distribution and Assumptions:
● Part-time 1 (10 – 14 hours) or Part-time 2 (15 – 19 hours) per week on average…this includes Sunday activities.
Compensation will be based on whether one is Part-time 1 or Part-time 2.
● 1 day in the office during the week for Staff Meetings (Tuesdays from 9:30am – 1pm). Accommodation for Zoom
participation at Staff Meeting can be made depending on context (i.e. childcare, homeschool, health, etc.).
● Regular Sunday and All-Church Function Attendance.
● 2 Official Vacation Sundays off per calendar year.
● Create weekly Sunday worship encounters for the children of KidsPointe so that they can experience God and “recharge in Christ” through a high-caliber worship service (40%).
○ Prepare and deliver inspiring and creative weekly messages to KidsPointe students in Sunday Worship.
■ The expectation is not for the director to give every message but to empower and develop additional KidsPointe Partners to share in this role.
○ Select and prepare the Sunday curriculum.
○ Lead KidsPointe Partners in the curriculum by preparing, encouraging, and inspiring them to help share the truth of Jesus with their students.
○ Ensure that each week, KidsPointe Partners are properly staffed and prepared to lead.
○ Each week’s purpose and the “why” are communicated clearly to the partners of KidsPointe.
● Regularly engage the parents of KidsPointe so that they are aware of what is happening but more importantly to equip them to be spiritual leaders of their children (25%).
○ Quarterly Parent Meetings (PTAs).
○ Seminars for parents (Number of seminars for parents TBD).
○ Regular communication to the parents of the KidsPointe.
● Recruitment and Development of KidsPointe Partners (10%).
○ Invite people who have a heart and passion for children and gifts in teaching so that they can become fellow KidsPointe Partners.
○ Invest in and develop KidsPointe Partners so that they can grow in their passion and effectiveness in ministering to children.
● In addition to the above, there are two Special Events that need to be prepared and executed annually.
They are…(10%)
○ Annual VBS Preparation & Execution
○ Annual Christmas Presentation for KidsPointe
● Weekly Staff Meetings (10%)
○ Attend and actively participate in the weekly staff meeting (Tuesday Mornings)
● Personal Growth (5%)
○ Cultivate Spiritual Disciplines and Practices to deepen your journey with God
○ Weekly sabbath
○ Annual personal retreats
○ Attend a relevant ministry conference once a year
Cultural Expectations:
● Embrace and personally own the vision, mission, and values of 4Pointes.
● Be engaged in weekly staff meetings.
● Honor and edify staff on all occasions.
■ Disagreements and corrections should be done in an edifying way.
● Be willing to truly speak what is on your heart and mind.
● Not above any task that is asked of.
● Constantly embrace the value of “artistry” and have it manifest in areas of ministry and leadership.
● Regular communication with the Lead Pastor to ensure consistency in vision.
● Proactive in ministry versus being reactionary.
● Don’t settle for the status quo but continue to be creative with regard to KidsPointe.
● Meet with parents of KidsPointe on a regular basis.
● Be willing to graciously assist other staff with their area of ministry.
● Reading a book regularly on leadership, worship, discipleship, spiritual formation, or children’s ministry Spiritual Expectations.
● Be consistent with the expectations set forth in 1 Timothy and Titus for leaders of the church.
● Personal growth and nourishment through Scripture, prayer, and meditation.
● Personal Action Plan.
What authority do I have to meet these expectations?
Positional Authority
● Authority to make choices and decisions with regard to the leadership and management of KidsPointe.
○ Creation of annual KidsPointe budget.
○ The use of the budget allocated for KidsPointe.
○ Selection, Development, and implementation of curriculum for KidsPointe.
○ Recruitment, placement, and dismissal of Partners for KidsPointe.
Cultural Authority
● Knowledge that the Lead Pastor will respect all choices and decisions made with regard to the management of KidsPointe.
How will I be held accountable?
Position Accountability
● Reports directly to the Lead Pastor
● Weekly staff meetings
● Monthly Meeting with the Lead Pastor
● Annual Evaluation w/the Lead Pastor
● KidsPointe Partners “Buy In” vs. Turnover
● Excitement and desire of Students to be a part of KidsPointe
● Growth in the pool of Partners who want to serve in KidsPointe
● Spiritual formation in the overall life of the students, partners, and parents
● Accountable to the Lead Pastor
● Accountable to spouse and family
● Accountable to 1 Timothy and Titus
● Accountable to Personal Action Plan
Cultural Accountability
● Embrace a culture of personal accountability, responsibility, and ownership of all the expectations stated above
● Not be defensive but take in comments, challenges, and rebukes from the staff
● 360 Degree Evaluation:
○ Annual Feedback by KidsPointe Partners
○ Annual Feedback from Parents of KidsPointe
○ Fellow Staff
○ Lead Pastor
● How consistent is the KidsPointe Ministry to the Mission, Vision, and Values of 4Pointes?