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Ridgefield Baptist Church – Senior Pastor

325 Danbury Road
United States

Position Type

Senior Pastor


Baptist (Other)

Ministry Area

Preaching/Teaching, Discipleship

Avg. Weekly Attendance


Job Description

The Senior Pastor is called to shepherd the church, not under compulsion, or as lording it over the flock, but through exercising oversight and being an example. He is called to pray and minister according to the Word of God, oversee the pastoral care of the flock and lead the church and staff in achieving God’s purpose for the local church. He will seek and champion God’s vision for the church. He will be the primary preacher/teacher and oversee the curricular direction of our teaching. He will provide such pastoral care as that which requires his attention. He will minister to and support the lay leaders in using their God-given gifts to support ministries that spread the Gospel in Ridgefield and beyond.

The Ministry of Prayer and the Word

This ministry of feeding the flock is the primary responsibility of the Senior Pastor.

  1. He shall maintain a regular and systematic prayer concern for individuals in the church.
  2. He shall maintain a program of personal devotion to deepen his own walk with God.
  3. He shall be the regular preacher—teacher in the Sunday morning service through expository preaching of God’s word.
  4. He shall be the primary guide to the curricular teaching of the church. He shall work with the Associate Pastor, Sunday School Coordinator and teachers to ensure that we are teaching the whole counsel of God in a comprehensive and practical way.
  5. He shall take a significant role in the leadership training of the church.
  6. He may teach or speak in other church classes or groups.

The Ministry of Pastoral Care

The ministry of pastoral care is very important but does not just fall to the Senior Pastor. He will lean on the Elders to assist in the caring and counseling of the flock.

  1. He shall give personal attention and pastoral care to members.
  2. He shall counsel those needing his help with personal problems or with spiritual questions within the parameters of his expertise. When needed, may also make referrals to competent individuals/agencies outside the congregation.
  3. He shall minister in times of bereavement to offer comfort and conduct services.
  4. He may conduct wedding ceremonies he deems biblically appropriate according to his and the church’s principles. He shall oversee premarital training.

The Ministry of Leadership

Influential leadership is also vitally important. His time invested must be in championing vision and multiplying ministry.

  1. He shall spearhead the ministry of the Elders along with serving as an ex-oficio member of each board.
  2. He shall continually and prayerfully seek and champion God’s vision for our church.
  3. He shall lead our pursuit of God in worship, working with the Worship Director to create an encounter with God which is inspiring to believers and inviting to seekers.
  4. He shall model discipleship and, by word and example, encourage the congregation to be growing disciples who seek to multiply their lives in others.
  5. He shall offer a warm welcome and open atmosphere in our services.
  6. He shall provide inspiration and instruction to the congregation as we implement our God-given vision together.

Senior Pastor – Requirements

  1. Ordained (or eligible for ordination) in an Evangelical church with at least 8 years of pastoral ministry experience and agreement with RBC’s doctrinal statement
  2. Gospel-centered preaching in a method that communicates boldly and humbly to a diverse audience, including Christians and non-Christians
  3. Strong Biblical character: consistently exhibiting spiritual maturity, integrity, purity and humility; prayerful dependence on God and a life above reproach
  4. Ministry & Vision Fit: understands and embraces RBC’s commitment to gospel centrality, gospel formation of disciples through preaching and small groups, and service within our community and region

Senior Pastor – Preferred Qualifications

Meaningful and effective ministry tenure in the Northeast US for at least 5 years; have a heart for the Northeast and an acute awareness of both the unique challenges and opportunities that ministry in the Northeast affords

Exhibits visionary servant-leadership and motivated to participate in the greater movement of evangelical churches in our region

  • Strategic & Entrepreneurial Thinker: action-oriented yet reflective, and a self-starter
  • Visionary: motivates, clarifies values, inspires to a specific future
  • Collegial: works towards common goals and manages conflict well
  • Aligner: unites people around a common vision
  • Team Builder: develops, supports and empowers others
  • Winsomely Evangelistic: personally engages with non-Christians and inspires others to do the same

Application Process

Please email the Search Committee to apply or recommend a candidate: [email protected]

Applicants: Please include a cover letter, resume/CV, testimony, and at least 2 preaching samples.

An Introduction to Ridgefield Baptist Church


As we search for a new Senior Pastor for Ridgefield Baptist Church (RBC), we are filled with hope, trusting in God to lead us into a new chapter in our church’s life. RBC was founded in 1960 and is located 50 miles from New York City.  RBC has a solid financial profile, with giving exceeding spending for many years, no debt, and good cash reserves.  We praise God that the past two decades have seen growth and flourishing in our diverse church body. Central to RBC, expository, gospel-centered preaching is instrumental in leading an unbeliever to a saving relationship with Christ by faith, and transforming the Christian in their growth and walk with the Lord. A strong community, worship program and opportunities for discipleship and growth are foundational to why individuals and families choose RBC as their church home. Our vision is simply summarized: “Worship, Connect, Serve.”

Ministries and Programs

RBC is characterized by our welcoming and relational culture offering opportunities for growth, service, and discipleship. Our Sunday worship includes contemporary music and traditional hymns, blending the rich theology of old hymns with a fresh musical style that’s relevant and singable. Deacons intentionally meet needs at sensitive times of life and though regular prayer. Our missions program partners with several outreach ministries — local, regional and international — to bring the Good News of Jesus to our neighbors, our nation and our world. After the pandemic, we resumed our women’s and men’s gatherings, adult and teen small groups, Kids’ Club, and other regular ministries such as weekly post-service fellowship and church picnics.

Staff and Leadership

At present, RBC reaches approximately 180 regular attenders, with close to one-quarter of whom are under 18, including 75 members. RBC’s staff includes our interim pastor, our Associate Pastor for Children and Youth, our Worship Director, and our Office Coordinator. Our ministries are overseen by department directors, and our Leadership Team – including directors (10), elders (4), and staff (4) – meets quarterly.

Looking Ahead

We are grateful to benefit from a growing leadership and volunteer base. We’ve seen growth in our children’s ministries in the last 5 years, leading us to call a full-time Associate Children and Youth Pastor in the fall of 2020.

In March 2021, RBC chartered a Long-Range Planning Committee to evaluate and make recommendations regarding current and future growth by interviewing ministry directors and participants. Our first phase is to understand the priorities and resources of different departments. We intend to develop strategies in all areas, beginning with programming, building and grounds use, volunteer demands, and ensuring our ministries fulfill our ministry goals. We look forward to continuing this process at the appropriate moment.

Congregational Responses: “Tell us what you like the most about RBC”

  • “Our church has a strong belief that the gospel changes everything and God is working among the members to further His kingdom in our community.”
  • “We are a welcoming, multi-generation and committed group of believers.”
  • “RBC is devoted to following God’s Word and truly studying the Bible and encouraging growth and change through Jesus.”
  • “Leaders at RBC are constantly looking at ways to make changes to improve what our church does, looking to the future, instead of staying in a comfortable rut.”
  • “RBC is my extended family and takes care of its people when there are needs.”